- Never ask for the business appointment minus providing good reason why there must be a meeting between you and the decision maker. You're consuming the time of your prospect, therefore, there should be a good reason for that. Focus on the real need or problem you can help get solutions for your client.
- Be giving. On each appointment set, offer them some incentive/s so that they can keep in touch with you and build their trust on you. Give some free reports or acquire an expert advice from someone reliable regarding a problem that your client may be facing.
- Always be adaptable. If your client prefers phone calls rather than a one-on-one meeting, then go. If he wishes you to speak to his boss first, then go ahead with the meeting and just do it. If your prospect likes to meet next week instead of two days from now, then go with it. Just remember that the sale is the end point. Do whatever it takes to point you there.
In the end, you'll realize that altering or modifying how you close your appointment setting could be really crucial to your steps in how to close more business leads.